Saturday, June 27, 2009

Back to ALL liquids day 13

Oh my, started back on all liquids today. Fun Fun Fun!

Lucky for me Sam and William came over and that really helped keep my mind off things even though I cooked dinner for them LOL. Something I don't really like, was looking mighty tasty tonight :)

I am soooooooo tired, I have not been sleeping well at all. I am getting muscle spasms which I do when I am under stress and that wakes me up a lot.

Only 2 more days........CRIKEY that is hard to believe!

Mostly liquid diet day 12

Today was not a good "nutrition day", I was out of protein powder, I had NO protein drinks and I had to run around like a chicken with my head cut off today.

Long story short, I had dinner at about 6pm.

After we went out to Walmart and then DQ after. Ok, so I admit, I am having the hardest time with the fact that I may never ever be able to enjoy sweets again. I am really like an adict and the thought of living like another 40+ years without having say, a shake again, Holy crap! I had a shake and I got full very easy, that surprised me, it tasted soooooooooooo good, I guess the fact it may be my last and it was so darn hot outside and I was sooooooooooo thirsty. Anyway, it is over and done with tomorrow I start back on my all liquid diet til Tues. I do feel bad I had it a little anyway :)