Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lazy day

So yesterday I didn't get to write because we were out and about with Sam and William and went to the Urbana Carnival, we had fun.

I ALMOST lasted the whole trip. I had a strange pain in my side by one of my incisions and had to go sit down, but not long afterwards everyone else came too.

I put myself on a liquid day yesterday trying to recover from the day before when I was in so much pain from eating too much!

Today I ate dinner and just drank the first part of the day. I didn't over do it, YEAH!
I actually just counted out tablespoons. I still felt what I thought was a bit hungry but as they say, you can always have more but once you have eaten too much, you can't go back!

Well, I didn't eat more, I had some SF popscicles instead.

Just got done watching WALL E , oh yeah, now to put munchkin to bed!