Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Month Anniversary!

Ok, so I know today is Wednesday but I have to say that I have not been much up to writing. I am having a really hard time adjusting to my new insides or should I say my new insides are having a hard time getting use to eating.

I have been sick many many times which then makes it so I can not do ANYTHING for that day and then eat nothing the next. I have NO energy from this so inturn I can not do the exercising I should be doing. Once again, a vicious circle. SIGH

This trial and error period which can extend for a very long time is very trying. What does not work now, may work later but lets face it after being so sick you are curled up in the fetal position for hours or stuck on the toilet with the trash can up to your face, who wants to go through that again???

Food has become such a drag, I hate to say it but it has. SIGH

So, I am mending from my infections and now recouping from my last episode. One month down, a lifetime to go.....

I won't give up hope that it is going to get better. I was told to make that judgement at the 6 month mark, but even if at that time I am not happy, what can I do about it? LOL NOTHING!!!!